The Notes We Play, Or Do Not - David Olimpio
1) Last night, I went to the open mic blues jam (OMBJ) near my house, which I've been known to frequent but which (lately) I've been frequenting with less and less of the frequentification. I blame herniated cervical discs and slow-melting ice and fucking cold weather. I blame complacency. I blame a touch of generalized malaise and acute SAT, or Social Avoidance Tendency. I know that none of this avoidance will lead to the doing of any good. None of this will bring me any sort of enlightenment. None of this will help me transcend the Big Fucking Here and Now. And so I've been actively seeking to move past it. Adam, whose creative work ethic I admire, always gets himself to these OMBJs despite having a far busier life than I do. He is my role model in this regard. He is my musical cattle prod. (Hmm... this may sound kinkier than I mean for it to.) How about: He shames me with his seminal tenacity. (Yuck. Wtf?) Okay, look: he's tireless in engaging in creative things. (Phew!) I believe there's also a social component that gets Adam to the OMBJs. Before I left for OMBJ last night, I said to C: "I think Adam is more social than I am." C's response was some form of: "Um... ya think?" She's good at zeroing in on realities that take me months to figure out. It's one of the reasons I married her. 2) Here's a reality...
David Olimpio