This is a book party for THIS IS NOT A CONFESSION.
It looks something like this here…
(All photos taken by Rich Silivanch, except where noted.)
At the book party, it is important to have the good playing of music by talented friends like Adam Gustavson and Sheri Butts to get things started.
At the book party, we do the wearing of hats and signing of books.
At the book party, we do the posing with friends.
We be sure to stand next to purdy girls to make ourselves look purdier.

(Photo: Paul Rabinowitz)
We sing the same big train songs to friends who have heard those same big train songs a bunch of times already. And they react with the same skeptical look they always do.
Or they just laugh politely.
We have a great bookstore Short Stories Community Book Hub, owned by Barb Short, to host.

(Photo: Paul Rabinowitz)
We get the brilliant Executive Director of the arts organization Arts By the People, Paul Rabinowitz, to MC.
We get the killer fiction writer and author Chris Tarry and the captivating poet Jenny Williamson to read from their awesome work.
Then we get up and do a lot of talking with our hands, and that looks a lot like this here…
Then we have a sit-down and do the drinking of beer and the talking about stuff.
Then we go back to our comfort zone: singing songs about big trains.
TAGS: Dave News | David Olimpio | Readings | TINAC | Writing
guess the talking with the hands would be the Italian in you…