I write occassionally about art, renewal, healing, love, and science. Or maybe none of those things. But when I write something I don’t feel fits anywhere else, I will put it here.
I’ve also begun re-publishing my dog photopoems on Medium under the heading DOG IS US.
If you visit these pubs, be sure to CLAP!
Sunday Salon, SalonZine (In The Upside Down)
Story: A Belief in Endings

Cosmonauts Avenue
Essay: So That We May See Eternal (Site Being Rebuilt)
Excerpt: The time on that clock is forever frozen at 11:25. And that forever- frozen clock face, that perpetually mid-morning moment, would happen in a non-photographed version of that exact same scene if I were to move away from myself at a speed faster than the speed of light. The subsequent seconds would never catch up to my smiling semblance, the proceeding particles of light, a still procession. My teeth would forever remain missing. My hair, forever brown and shaggy. And yet…
Story: Waiting for the Day to End
Missouri Review Audcast, Episode 24

Story: Eating Sushi At Stoplights (Read here)
The Good Men Project